
Dr. Boy Feil — List of Publications

  1. Feil B., 1987: Unter­su­chun­gen zur Phy­sio­lo­gie und Mor­pho­lo­gie alter und neu­er Wei­zen­sor­ten (Tri­ti­cum aes­ti­vum L.) unter beson­de­rer Berück­sich­ti­gung des Stick­stoff­haus­halts. Dis­ser­ta­ti­on Uni­ver­si­tät Kiel.
  2. Feil B. and G. Geis­ler, 1988: Unter­su­chun­gen zur Bil­dung und Ver­tei­lung der Bio­mas­se bei alten und neu­en deut­schen Som­mer­wei­zen­sor­ten. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 161, 148 – 156.
  3. Feil B. and G. Geis­ler, 1988: Unter­su­chun­gen zum Wur­zel­wachs­tum von Jung­pflan­zen alter und neu­er Win­ter­wei­zen­sor­ten sowie eines Spel­z­wei­zens bei vari­ier­ter N‑Versorgung. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 161, 264 – 272.
  4. Feil B. and G. Geis­ler, 1989: Unter­su­chun­gen zur Auf­nah­me und Ver­tei­lung von Stick­stoff bei alten und neu­en deut­schen Som­mer­wei­zen­sor­ten. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 162, 49 – 56.
  5. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, G. Geis­ler, and P. Stamp, 1990: Root traits of mai­ze seed­lings – indi­ca­tors of nitro­gen effi­ci­en­cy? Plant and Soil 123, 155 – 159 (see #5).
  6. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, G. Geis­ler, and P. Stamp, 1990: Root traits of mai­ze seed­lings – indi­ca­tors of nitro­gen effi­ci­en­cy? In: Gene­tic Aspects of Plant Mine­ral Nut­ri­ti­on (Eds N. El Bassam, M. Dam­broth, B.C. Lough­man), Klu­wer Aca­de­mic Publishers, Dor­d­recht, pp. 7 – 101 (see #4).
  7. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, G. Geis­ler, and P. Stamp, 1990: Geno­ty­pe varia­ti­on in grain nut­ri­ent con­cen­tra­ti­on in tro­pi­cal mai­ze grown during a rai­ny and a dry sea­son. Agro­no­mie 10, 717 – 725.
  8. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, G. Geis­ler, and P. Stamp, 1991: The impact of tem­pe­ra­tu­re on seed­ling root traits of Euro­pean and tro­pi­cal mai­ze (Zea mays L.) cul­ti­vars. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 166, 81 – 89.
  9. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, G. Geis­ler, and P. Stamp, 1992: Yield, deve­lo­p­ment and nut­ri­ent effi­ci­en­cy of tem­pe­ra­te and tro­pi­cal mai­ze germ­plasm in the tro­pi­cal low­lands I. Yield and deve­lo­p­ment. May­di­ca 37, 191 – 197.
  10. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, G. Geis­ler, and P. Stamp, 1992: Yield, deve­lo­p­ment and nut­ri­ent effi­ci­en­cy of tem­pe­ra­te and tro­pi­cal mai­ze germ­plasm in the tro­pi­cal low­lands II. Upt­ake and redis­tri­bu­ti­on of nitro­gen, phos­pho­rus and pot­as­si­um. May­di­ca 37, 199 – 207.
  11. Feil B., 1992: Bree­ding pro­gress in small grain cere­als – a com­pa­ri­son of old and modern cul­ti­vars. Plant Bree­ding 108, 1 – 11.
  12. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, and P. Stamp, 1992: Can mai­ze cul­ti­vars with low mine­ral nut­ri­ent con­cen­tra­ti­ons in the grains help to redu­ce the need for fer­ti­li­zers in third world count­ries? Plant and Soil 146, 227 – 231 (see #15).
  13. Thi­ra­porn R., B. Feil, and P. Stamp, 1992: Effect of nitro­gen fer­ti­liza­ti­on on grain yield and accu­mu­la­ti­on of nitro­gen, phos­pho­rus and pot­as­si­um in the grains of tro­pi­cal mai­ze. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 169, 9 – 16.
  14. Alfol­di Z., L. Pin­ter, and B. Feil, 1992: Accu­mu­la­ti­on and par­ti­tio­ning of bio­mass and solu­b­le car­bo­hy­dra­tes in mai­ze seed­lings as affec­ted by N source, N con­cen­tra­ti­on, and cul­ti­var. J. Plant Nutr. 15, 2567 – 2583.
  15. Bän­zi­ger M., B. Feil, J.E. Schmid, and P. Stamp, 1992: Geno­ty­pic varia­ti­on in grain N con­tent of wheat as affec­ted by mine­ral N sup­p­ly in the soil. Eur. J. Agron. 1, 155 – 162.
  16. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, and P. Stamp, 1993: Can mai­ze cul­ti­vars with low mine­ral nut­ri­ent con­cen­tra­ti­ons in the grains help to redu­ce the need for fer­ti­li­zers in third world count­ries? In: Gene­tic Aspects of Plant Mine­ral Nut­ri­ti­on (Eds P.J. Rand­all, E. Del­hai­ze, R.A. Richards, R. Munns), Klu­wer Aca­de­mic Publishers, Dor­d­recht, pp. 295 – 299 (see #11).
  17. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, and P. Stamp, 1993: In vitro nitra­te reduc­ta­se acti­vi­ty of labo­ra­to­ry-grown seed­lings as an indi­rect sel­ec­tion cri­ter­ion for mai­ze. Crop Sci. 33, 1280 – 1286.
  18. Sch­or­te­mey­er M., B. Feil, and P. Stamp, 1993: Root mor­pho­lo­gy and nitro­gen upt­ake of mai­ze simul­ta­neous­ly sup­pli­ed with ammo­ni­um and nitra­te in a split-root sys­tem. Ann. Bot. 72, 107 – 115.
  19. Feil B. and P. Stamp, 1993: Sus­tainable agri­cul­tu­re and pro­duct qua­li­ty: A case stu­dy for sel­ec­ted crops. Food Rev. Int. 9, 361 – 388.
  20. Feil B. and M. Bän­zi­ger, 1993: Nitro­gen and cul­ti­var effects on the mine­ral ele­ment con­cen­tra­ti­on in the grain of spring wheat. Eur. J. Agron. 2, 205 – 212.
  21. Fos­sa­ti D., A. Fos­sa­ti, and B. Feil, 1993: Rela­ti­onship bet­ween grain yield and grain nitro­gen con­cen­tra­ti­on in win­ter tri­ti­cale. Euphyti­ca 71, 115 – 123.
  22. Feil B., R. Thi­ra­porn, and H.R. Lafit­te, 1993: Accu­mu­la­ti­on of nitro­gen and phos­pho­rus in the grain of tro­pi­cal mai­ze cul­ti­vars. May­di­ca 38, 291 – 300.
  23. Bän­zi­ger M., B. Feil, J.E. Schmid, and P. Stamp, 1994: Uti­liza­ti­on of late-appli­ed nitro­gen by spring wheat geno­ty­pes. Eur. J. Agron. 3, 63 – 69.
  24. Bän­zi­ger M., B. Feil, and P. Stamp, 1994: Com­pe­ti­ti­on bet­ween nitro­gen accu­mu­la­ti­on and grain growth for car­bo­hy­dra­tes during grain-fil­ling of wheat. Crop Sci. 34, 440 – 446.
  25. Alfol­di Z., L. Pin­ter, and B. Feil, 1994: Nitro­gen, phos­pho­rus and pot­as­si­um con­cen­tra­ti­ons in deve­lo­ping mai­ze grains. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 172, 200 – 206.
  26. Feil B., 1994: Growth and ammonium:nitrate upt­ake ratio of spring wheat cul­ti­vars at a homo­ge­neous and a spa­ti­al­ly sepa­ra­ted sup­p­ly of ammo­ni­um and nitra­te. J. Plant Nutr. 17, 717 – 728.
  27. Feil B. and D. Fos­sa­ti, 1995: Mine­ral com­po­si­ti­on of tri­ti­cale grains as rela­ted to grain yield and grain pro­te­in. Crop Sci. 35, 1426 – 1431.
  28. Sch­or­te­mey­er M. and B. Feil, 1996: Root mor­pho­lo­gy of mai­ze under homo­ge­neous and spa­ti­al­ly sepa­ra­ted sup­p­ly of ammo­ni­um and nitra­te at dif­fe­rent con­cen­tra­ti­on rati­os. J. Plant Nutr. 19, 1083 – 1091.
  29. Fos­sa­ti D., A. Fos­sa­ti, and B. Feil, 1996: Con­cen­tra­ti­ons of mine­rals in the grains of a high- and a low-pro­te­in win­ter tri­ti­cale. In: Tri­ti­cale: Today and Tomor­row (Eds H. Gue­des-Pin­to, N. Dar­vey, V.P. Car­nide). Deve­lo­p­ments in Plant Bree­ding Volu­me 5. Klu­wer Aca­de­mic Publishers, Dor­d­recht, pp. 793 – 797.
  30. Stamp, P., B. Feil, M. Sch­or­te­mey­er, and W. Rich­ner, 1997: Respon­se of roots to low tem­pe­ra­tures and nitro­gen forms. In: Plant Roots – From Cells to Sys­tems (Eds H.M. Ander­son, P.W. Bar­low, D.T. Clark­son, M.B. Jack­son, P.R. She­wry). Klu­wer Aca­de­mic Publishers, Dor­d­recht, pp. 143 – 154.
  31. Gari­bay S.V., P. Stamp, H.U. Ammon, and B. Feil, 1997: Yield and qua­li­ty com­pon­ents of sila­ge mai­ze in kil­led and live cover crop sods. Eur. J. Agron. 6, 179 – 190.
  32. Sch­or­te­mey­er M., P. Stamp, and B. Feil, 1997: Ammo­ni­um tole­rance and car­bo­hy­dra­te sta­tus in mai­ze cul­ti­vars. Ann. Bot. 79, 25 – 30.
  33. Feil B. and D. Fos­sa­ti, 1997: Phytic acid in tri­ti­cale grains as affec­ted by cul­ti­var and envi­ron­ment. Crop Sci. 37, 916 – 921.
  34. Schul­t­hess U., B. Feil, and S.C. Jut­zi, 1997: Yield-inde­pen­dant varia­ti­on in grain nitro­gen and phos­pho­rus con­cen­tra­ti­on among Ethio­pean wheats. Agron. J. 89, 497 – 506.
  35. Feil B., S.V. Gari­bay, H.U. Ammon, and P. Stamp, 1997: Pro­duc­tion of sila­ge mai­ze in a grass mulch sys­tem – sea­so­nal pat­terns of indi­ca­tors of the nitro­gen sta­tus of mai­ze. In: Per­spec­ti­ves for Agro­no­my – Adop­ting Eco­lo­gi­cal Prin­ci­ples and Mana­ging Resour­ce Use (Eds M.K. van Itter­sum, S.C. van de Gei­jn). Deve­lo­p­ments in Crop Sci­ence 25, 227 – 235 (see #35).
  36. Feil B., S.V. Gari­bay, H.U. Ammon, and P. Stamp, 1997: Pro­duc­tion of sila­ge mai­ze in a grass mulch sys­tem – sea­so­nal pat­terns of indi­ca­tors of the nitro­gen sta­tus of mai­ze. Eur. J. Agron. 7, 171 – 179 (see #34).
  37. Feil B., 1997: The inver­se yield-pro­te­in rela­ti­onship in cere­als: pos­si­bi­li­ties and limi­ta­ti­ons for gene­ti­cal­ly impro­ving the grain pro­te­in yield. Trends Agron. 1, 103 – 119.
  38. Rüegg W.T., W. Rich­ner, P. Stamp, and B. Feil, 1998: Accu­mu­la­ti­on of dry mat­ter and nitro­gen by mini­mum-til­la­ge sila­ge mai­ze plan­ted into cover crops. Eur. J. Agron. 8, 59 – 69.
  39. Feil B., 1998: Phy­sio­lo­gi­sche und pflan­zen­bau­li­che Aspek­te der inver­sen Bezie­hung zwi­schen Ertrag und Pro­te­in­kon­zen­tra­ti­on bei Getrei­de­sor­ten: Eine Über­sicht. Pflan­zen­bau­wiss. 2, 37 – 46.
  40. Fisch­ler M., C. Wort­mann, and B. Feil, 1999: Crot­a­la­ria (C. och­ro­leu­ca G. Don.) as a green manu­re in mai­ze-bean crop­ping sys­tems in East Afri­ca. Field Crops Res. 61, 97 – 107.
  41. Feil B. and M. Bän­zi­ger, 1999: Bezie­hun­gen zwi­schen dem Korn­er­trag und den Kon­zen­tra­tio­nen von Pro­te­in, Phos­phor und Kali­um in den Kör­nern von Som­mer­wei­zen­sor­ten. Pflan­zen­bau­wiss. 3, 1 – 8.
  42. Sol­da­ti A., H.U. Ammon, P. Bas­set­ti and B. Feil, 2000: Semi­na del mais in una col­tu­ra inter­cala­re esis­ten­te – una nuo­va tec­ni­ca col­tu­ra­le per un’ag­ri­col­tu­ra sos­teni­bi­le. Rivis­ta di agro­no­mia 34, 345 – 350.
  43. Feil B. and M. Lied­gens, 2001: Pflan­zen­pro­duk­ti­on in leben­den Mul­chen – eine Über­sicht. Pflan­zen­bau­wiss. 5, 15 – 23.
  44. Diepen­b­rock W., M. Long, and B. Feil, 2001: Yield and qua­li­ty of sun­flower as affec­ted by row ori­en­ta­ti­on, row spa­cing, and plant den­si­ty. Die Boden­kul­tur / Aus­tr. J. Agric. Res. 52, 29 – 36.
  45. Hüls­ber­gen K.-J., B. Feil, S. Bier­mann, G.-W. Rath­ke, W.-D. Kalk, and W. Diepen­b­rock, 2001: A method of ener­gy balan­cing in crop pro­duc­tion and its appli­ca­ti­on in a long-term fer­ti­li­zer tri­al. Agri­cult. Eco­syst. Envi­ronm. 86, 303 – 321.
  46. Long M., B. Feil, and W. Diepen­b­rock, 2001: Inter­cep­ti­on and use of light by sun­flower (Heli­an­thus annu­us L.). Acta Agron. Hung. 49, 199 – 209.
  47. Feil B., 2001: Phytic acid. J. New Seeds 3, 1 – 35.
  48. Feil B. und J.E. Schmid, 2001: Pol­len­flug bei Mais, Wei­zen und Rog­gen. Ein Bei­trag zur Fra­ge der beim Anbau von gen­tech­nisch ver­än­der­ten Pflan­zen erfor­der­li­chen Iso­lier­ab­stän­de. Shaker Ver­lag, Aachen, ISBN 3 – 8265-8903 – 3, 76 p.
  49. Long M., B. Feil, and W. Diepen­b­rock, 2001: Effects of plant den­si­ty, row spa­cing and row ori­en­ta­ti­on on yield and ache­ne qua­li­ty in rain­fed sun­flower. Acta Agron. Hung. 49, 397 – 407.
  50. Feil B. and J.E. Schmid, 2002: Disper­sal of mai­ze, wheat and rye pol­len. A con­tri­bu­ti­on to deter­mi­ning the neces­sa­ry iso­la­ti­on distances for the cul­ti­va­ti­on of trans­ge­nic crops. Shaker Ver­lag, Aachen, ISBN 3 – 8256-9750 – 8, 75 p.
  51. Hüls­ber­gen K.-J., B. Feil, and W. Diepen­b­rock, 2002: Rates of nitro­gen appli­ca­ti­on requi­red to achie­ve maxi­mum ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy for various crops: results of a long-term expe­ri­ment. Field Crops Res. 77, 61 – 76.
  52. Feil B., R. Seyf­arth, C. Orlac­chio, M. Mess­mer, P. Kade, B. Mei­er, and B. Büter, 2002: Ent­wick­lung und Ertrag ver­schie­de­ner Vitex agnus-cas­tus-Her­künf­te im Feld­an­bau in Ita­li­en [Deve­lo­p­ment and yield of field-grown Vitex agnus-cas­tus acces­si­ons in Ita­ly]. Zeit­sch. Arz­nei- & Gewürzpfl./J. Medic. Spi­ce Plants 7, 336 – 367.
  53. Feil B. and P. Stamp, 2002: The pol­len-media­ted flow of trans­ge­nes in mai­ze can alre­a­dy be con­trol­led by cyto­plas­mic male ste­ri­li­ty. AgBio­tech­Net 4, 1 – 4. ABN 099. AgBio­tech­Net
  54. Feil B., U. Wein­gart­ner, and P. Stamp, 2003: Con­trol­ling the release of pol­len from gene­ti­cal­ly modi­fied mai­ze and incre­asing its grain yield by gro­wing mix­tures of male-ste­ri­le and male-fer­ti­le plants. Euphyti­ca 130, 163 – 165.
  55. Büter B., M. Mess­mer, B. Feil, U. Sim­men, R. Jäg­gi, K. Ber­ger Büter, and W. Schaff­ner, 2003: Pflanz­li­che Roh­stof­fe in der ratio­na­len Phy­to­the­ra­pie: Not­wen­dig­keit inter­di­zi­pli­nä­rer For­schung in den Berei­chen Pflan­zen­züch­tung, Anbau­tech­nik und Phar­ma­ko­lo­gie [Plant raw mate­ri­als in ratio­nal phy­to­the­ra­py: neces­si­ty of inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry rese­arch in the fields of plant bree­ding, crop manage­ment, and phar­ma­co­lo­gy]. Zeit­sch. Arz­nei- & Gewürzpfl./J. Medic. Spi­ce Plants 8, 184 – 187.
  56. Neu­wei­ler R., L. Bert­schin­ger, P. Stamp, and B. Feil, 2003: The impact of ground cover manage­ment on soil nitro­gen levels, para­me­ters of vege­ta­ti­ve crop deve­lo­p­ment, yield and fruit qua­li­ty of straw­ber­ries. Eur. J. Hort. Sci. 86, 183 – 191.
  57. Feil B., S.B. Moser, S. Jam­pa­tong, and P. Stamp, 2005: Mine­ral com­po­si­ti­on of the grains of tro­pi­cal mai­ze varie­ties as affec­ted by pre-anthe­sis drought and rate of nitro­gen fer­ti­liza­ti­on. Crop Sci. 45, 516 – 523.
  58. Moser S.B., B. Feil, S. Jam­pa­tong, and P. Stamp: Effects of pre-anthe­sis drought, nitro­gen fer­ti­li­zer rate, and varie­ty on grain yield, yield com­pon­ents, and har­ve­st index of tro­pi­cal mai­ze. Agric. Water Manage. 
  59. Her­rera J.M., B. Feil, P. Stamp, and M. Lied­gens, 2009: Root growth and nitra­te-nitro­gen lea­ching of catch crops fol­lo­wing spring wheat. J. Envi­ronm. Qual. 39, 845 – 854.
  60. Schnei­der D., N. Frei­tag, M. Lied­gens, B. Feil, and P. Stamp, 2011: Ear­ly growth of field-grown Swiss flint mai­ze landraces. May­di­ca 56 (in press)
  61. Faget M., M.Liedgens, B. Feil, P. Stamp, and J.M. Her­rera, 2012: Root growth of mai­ze in an Ita­li­an rye­grass living mulch stu­di­ed with a non-des­truc­ti­ve method. Europ. J. Agron. 36, 1 – 8.
  62. Her­rera J.M., P. Stamp, B.Feil, and M. Lied­gens: Nitro­gen and geno­ty­pe effects on root growth and sur­vi­vor­ship of spring wheat. J. Plant Nutr. (sub­mit­ted)

Juli 2012